The Top Squad AKA "Best Team" award is a celebration of team work through the 2025 Lord Marshal season. Only the best team of individuals will earn the title at the end of the 2025 LMC season. All events will count towards the 1st Squad award.
As “the players conference” the Lord Marshal Conference wants to instill a sense of fair play and structure that builds an environment for competitive play and camaraderie amongst players within the region who are members of a team. While simultaneously encouraging teams in the region to attend events and participate for potential awards. In trying to accomplish these goals for the players we will be implementing the following structure for teams wishing to participate in the LMC as such for the season.
Seasonal Best Team Structure
Team Guidelines
For any questions regarding the team structure, guidelines or any questions regarding the award, please contact us via email.
As “the players conference” the Lord Marshal Conference wants to instill a sense of fair play and structure that builds an environment for competitive play and camaraderie amongst players within the region who are members of a team. While simultaneously encouraging teams in the region to attend events and participate for potential awards. In trying to accomplish these goals for the players we will be implementing the following structure for teams wishing to participate in the LMC as such for the season.
Seasonal Best Team Structure
- Team score will consist of the top 18 scores from a team with only a maximum of 3 contributions from any particular player.
- A player can contribute their top three scores to their team. If a player has contributed three scores to a team and contributes a higher score to another team after, a previous score will be removed from the former team.
- A player can only contribute their top three scores to a team they were a member of at the time of the score.
- No more than 3 scores will be contributed for a player regardless of team affiliation in a season.
Team Guidelines
- All teams must register their roster team roster with the LMC and send the roster via email by January 1st, 2021. After January 1st, 2021 teams and players can be penalized for not registering their team roster. Penalties for team infraction include loss of score(s) on a player or team.
- No more than 15 players can be registered under a singular team for a particular event. In the event a team has more than 15 registered players any scores beyond 15 will be disregarded in calculating the event overall team standings. A new player (defined as an individual who has played less than at 10 RTT/GT/Major level events) may apply for a "New Player" waiver from the LMC, via email, and maybe permitted to join the team even if it exceeds the 15 player limit. All new players waivers are subject to LMC Approval.
- If a player changes teams they must notify the LMC via email in order to become eligible to contribute to the new team's score. This player will be ineligible to report scores to any team for 30 days.
For any questions regarding the team structure, guidelines or any questions regarding the award, please contact us via email.