How do I earn points towards Lord Marshal?
If you have any questions about a the Lord Marshal events please email contact us at [email protected]
- Each player will earn points for each event they participate in which occurs in a Friendly Local Game Store.
- We follow the BCP scoring system which is based off how you place in the tournament overall, how many wins you have and how many players attended the event. See the difference between BCP and ITC Rankings here.
- You can find our scoring award categories at Award Categories page.
- You can check out all current events on our website.
- Anyone can submit their name for consideration as an approved LMC TO via our form. LMC TOs are held to a higher standard then the general 40K community at large and must abide by the ITC and LMC Code of Conduct.
- Click Here to apply as an official LMC TO.
- Any approved TO can schedule and event to count towards the LMC as long as it meets the following criteria...
- An event must use a Lord Marshal Conference token to submit score.
- Utilize the Best Coast Pairings app for all score reporting.
- All events must be run at atleast 2000 points.
- All events must use the latest Games Workshop Grand Tournament Mission Pack, FAQ.
- House rules are not permitted.
- An event must have at least 3 rounds on the first day.
- Events must be submitted through our website.
- 2-day/2+day (from here on out referred to as 2-day) events must be submitted at least 3 weeks before it occurs.
- 1-day level events must be submitted at least 2 weeks before it occurs.
- 1-day must be run at a friendly local game store.
- An 1-day will count towards the LMC if it is outside 125 miles of 2-day event on the same weekend (Saturday, or Sunday).
- A 2-day events will count towards the LMC if it is outside of 400 miles of another 2-day event on the same weekend. All dates are on a first come first serve basis and must be properly submitted to the LMC calendar using our event submission page. Any errors or omissions are solely on the TO and they must contact the LMC immediately if a date is not correct on the LMC calendar.
- No more than 1 LMC events per month at a friendly local game store regardless of TO.
- No team tournaments, leagues, private, or invitational events are allowed to compete in the LMC.
- 2-day events must provide essential player support materials such as a player packet and/or photos of terrain layout at least 30 days prior to the start of the 2-day event.
- Only 5 2-day events are permitted within 30 miles of the downtown area for the following cities:
- Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Kansas City, Wichita, St. Louis, Des Moines, Minneapolis, Omaha
- Legacy 2 day events will receive preferential date requests in the current season.
- All events are subject towards LMC approval and must meet the requirements above, special circumstances maybe permitted upon the discretion of the LMC Executive Team and must be submitted in writing at least 6 months before the scheduled event is to occur. You can email the team at [email protected]
- First contact your local 1-day or 2-day event and ask if they are an approved LMC TO.
- If they don't ask them to send an email to [email protected]
If you have any questions about a the Lord Marshal events please email contact us at [email protected]